Red Oak

Quercus spp
Widespread throughout Eastern U.S. Oaks are, by far, the most abundant species group growing in the Eastern hardwood forests. Red oaks grow more abundantly than white oaks. The red oak group comprises many species, of which about eight are commercial.
Widespread throughout Eastern U.S. Oaks are, by far, the most abundant species group growing in the Eastern hardwood forests. Red oaks grow more abundantly than white oaks. The red oak group comprises many species, of which about eight are commercial.
The sapwood of red oak is white to light brown and the heartwood is a pinkish-reddish brown. The wood is similar in general appearance to white oak, but with a slightly less-pronounced figure due to the smaller rays. The wood is mostly straight-grained, with a coarse texture.
It machines well. Pre-boring is recommended for nailing and screwing. It can be stained to a golden finish, with a wide range of finish tones.
Red oak is hard and heavy, with medium-bending strength and stiffness and high-crushing strength.
Abundant. It is the most widely used species.
Furniture, flooring, architectural millwork and moulding, doors, kitchen cabinets, paneling, and caskets.